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Congo Download Windows 10 Free


About This Game You and your friends are stuck deep in the Congo jungle, hunted by packs of demons lurking in the darkest areas. Light is your friend in this hostile environment. Scavenge equipment and utilize good teamwork to secure your route of escape in this top-down co-op horror action game.The jungle is full of surprises. As you explore towns, rivers, caves and more it is essential that you keep a close eye on your surroundings for the demons that are stalking your every move, waiting for the ideal opportunity to take you out for good. Make sure to stay in groups, or you could be out of luck!Play with up to 4 of your friends on local or online coop!Key Features in CongoWork together as a team, play with up to 4 playersIn Congo, it is important to work as a team to survive the dark jungle with up to 4 players online or splitscreen with local coop. Watch each others backs to stop the demons from taking yours, and share your supplies to keep everyone in fighting fit order.Light is your friend, demons lurk in the darknessThe demons in the jungle have become used to the dark, foggy environment of the Congo jungle. The light scares them and you can use this to your advantage. There are many old buildings around, but after years of neglect, you’ll need to find some fuel to keep the lights on and make a much needed rest point. In the mean time, some flares and flashlights will keep the demons at bay for a while, just beware of what lurks behind you. Some of the demons are small and fast, be wary of these as they could knock you off your feet at any moment. Others are large and strong, make sure you don’t get hit by one of these, or it could cost you dearly.Immerse yourself in a deep and hostile environmentThe jungle is packed with many interesting places. Each map contains many hidden interesting locations that you can find if you dare venture out into the jungle. Congo makes the most of the Unreal Engine 4 to provide these locations with 6 Objective maps and 16 defense maps.Extensive ArsenalThe jungle was heavily militarized before the demons ran over the place. As such, you can find a wide variety of different guns waiting for you to use them in your escape. There are also a variety of items to help you blow up rocks, set up improvised traps and open locked gates.Hone your skillsEach time you play Congo, you will learn something new to help you survive more easily next time. You will also gain valuable experience that will help make your character faster at reloading, survive longer, open gates quicker and much more. As you play through the game you will gain access to a selection of items that you can start with. 7aa9394dea Title: CongoGenre: Action, Casual, IndieDeveloper:Big Red EightRelease Date: 21 Mar, 2016 Congo Download Windows 10 Free congo question. 8645 congo rd benton ar. download congo national anthem. 675 congo street san francisco. congo quora. congo full movie gomovies. congo africa. download congo latest music. download congo congo africa map. congo 500 killed. congo song download. congo dual audio 720p download. congo torrent magnet. congo movie hindi mkv. anthony bourdain congo full episode. kongo vs barry full fight. congo gospel music video download. congo full movie in tamil. kid congo full album. congo hindi meaning. congo outbreak. free congo flag. congo square new orleans. download congo mama by joe mafela. congo 50 centimes 2002. congo free state flag. congo quality of life. congo natty download free. river monsters congo killer full episode. conga s3090 mediamarkt. congo names. congo free state quizlet. congo music. congo full movie free download. congo instrument price in india. congo dj download. congo stove. congo game download. congo yellow. congo movie in hindi 300mb. congo palace hotel glyfada. download congo dance. congo african grey. congo rainforest. congo free state history. congo picture download. congo movie download hindi dubbed 720p. the congo free state and the new imperialism pdf. congo village. nigeria vs congo full time score. congo full movie in hindi youtube. congo basin map. congo fever. congo movie in hindi khatrimaza. congo band full. congo mama download. the congo free state genocide. congo wildlife. congo free trade. congo ebola outbreak. congo dublado torrent magnet. the congo free state was established in the 1870s by. congo free state anarcho capitalism. congo express. congo free download. congo actualités. congo drivers licence. tintin in the congo full cartoon. congo zambia border. congo full movie hindi dubbed download. congo ka hindi meaning. cma cgm congo 0bx14e1ma. strain hunters congo expedition full. bana congo tosimbana download. conga lyrics. congo embassy. download congo flag. congo full movie dubbed in hindi. congo full movie 2017. egypt vs congo full game. congo hair products. download gongo aso by 9ice. congo download video. free congo in the rubber coils. watch congo online free putlockers. congo under leopold. congo capital city. congo red amyloid. download congo sebene instrumental. congo film download. congo in hindi musical instrument. descargar pelicula congo por torrent. congo english movie free download. congo free state force publique So Anakin Skyhumper, Borgie, and myself finally beat the multiplayer mission. The 15 minutes of waiting for the chopper at the end was one of the most intense moments in a game there ever was. I was Literally tensed so much my muscals hurt in my hands and arms. I never blinked, eyes hurt so much. SO MANY DEMONS!!! we had burned over 200 bullets on the helipad, and still had to pull out the Machete to finish. That Moment when the Helicopter lands and you Press that "E" button for rescue...holy\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\ sit back in your chair and realize that you did it... 10\/10 is my review and I want to say Thank you SO Much for the experience.. I really liked this game. I just wish they didnt stop updating it. Me and my friend had a great time playing. thank you.. Great fun game.. I am very impressed with Congo, congratulations to the team who worked on this...I would highly recommend it.I will certainly re-visit this game and look forward to playing it often.Give it a go...Gail. Congo:~~~~~ It is pitch black and you are stranded in the middle of the Congolese jungle. You keep hearing noises coming from the bush and the foliage is cracking everywhere you look around. All you have going for you is a torch in one hand and a machete in the other hand! Congo is an action\/survival game where you can play by yourself, but it\u2019s primary aim to play on a co-op basis with up to 3 of your mates. You will be able to play in two type of mods; defence or objective. The defence mod currently has 8 different locations and the aim is to make sure you do not lose your radio transmitter and to stay alive as long as you can. For the objective mod, well I guess you can figure this one out. Whatever you prefer to play, you will have to explore the jungle to find additional weapons, gizmos and tools either in crates or on the ground. You will always start with your machete but crates will get you access to revolvers, machines and submachine guns, shotgun, carabines and of course a limited amount of ammunition. Just a little tip for you, make sure you collect as many knives as you can. You will be pinned down to the ground by one of these demons and the only way to kill them went they are on top of you is to use a knife. Gps, flares (which scare the demons), fuel can, cutters and revive syringes (you can\u2019t revive yourself, so this is only if you play as a party) are pretty much your gizmos and tools. The A.I. is actually very good, demons (Congolese Apes) will sneak around, move away if you flash them with light or use a flare on the ground and attack you at a prominent time for them. The atmosphere is genuinely scary and I really like the fog of war type of setup where you only see clearly around your character(s) which amplify the fear aspect of the game. From the controls point of view and combat system, they are easy to use but I must admit that I would like to see an easy way to use items in the inventory. The graphics are good and polished.Congo is an early access game and show great potential, worth giving it a go!Positives: ~~~~~~~ -\tScary atmosphere-\tGreat A.I.-\tPolished graphics-\tAchievementsNegatives:~~~~~~~~ -\tItems in the inventory should be friendlier to use-\tNo trading cards7.5\/10Key provided by developer\/publisher for review purposes. Any opinions expressed are entirely my own!MORE THE_CPT_FROGGY REVIEWS HEREFOLLOW THE CPT FROGGY CURATOR PAGE HERE. For an Alpha, it's not bad but needs more polish.Not what you want to get.They want our chocolate.Congo.EBOLA QUARANTINED.Chocolate.Thinking of buying this game? Use your money to buy chocolate instead of this.. I've played this game before with a friend, saw it was on sale :) Atmospheric and good to play with others, creepy! I think someone mentioned the 'movement wasn't fluid' but it seems fine to me.Has a lot of potential!. Eh. You can just stand in place meleeing and everything dies. 3/10. So my friend picked this up as a 4-pack, and we hopped into the game for the first time with two players. We don't need no tutorial we said, so we jumped into the game, picked up our guns, and proceeded to get beaten to death by many many monkeys.Attempt again, picked up our guns and shot a few times, which to our dismay, only brought more monkeys.Once more, we tried getting our weapons and running into the jungle, only to be mauled to death by the monkeys.This time we thought we had it down, ran to the encampment, killed off the monkeys, and promptly ran out of ammo. Cause of death: monkeys.So we decided to pump down to easy mode and boy did I ever enjoy killing all the monkeys in the jungle. 10/10 would exterminate monkeys again.. Uh no. Dont. The frame rates cant hold for whatever reason, the AI is terrible, which I initially forgave thinking it was still early acess. The concept is neat, it's like a 3rd person Left 4 Dead mixed with Baulder's Gate but in this form not playable. Ratings & Reviews: Hey tigers!Hope you've all enjoyed the weekend and got up to many an adventure! It's just a quick announcement to keep you all in the loop about the development and that in the next update should hopefully be the new Cave level which will contain one objective map and one defense map. I am also starting work on an Airfield map which should be with you all in a month or two if all goes well!On a side note, I have a little bit of a plea to all you awesome guys who have been Congo-ing it up since our early access release. Unfortunately, we have had a few negative reviews recently which has bumped us down to the 'Mixed' category which is pretty heart-wrenching for us to see and a scary shade of red. It's totally understandable that there are some bugs and some issues that need to be ironed out and we're working our hardest to get it complete and bug-free!Our plea would be that if you like Congo and want to help see us through the development but haven't yet left a review, then please please do :) We'd love to hear it and it would be a great push to help us get Congo complete and push us out of the Mixed category!If you have already left a review, then thank you so much! We're still super chuffed with all the support we've got so far!If you don't like Congo :( then thats ok too, but please check back in a few months time and give it another try then and see what you think :)!Thank you!. Update to UE4.8 and Progress Report: Hey Congo adventurers!We have been hard at work upgrading to the latest version of Unreal Engine and like all big updates in technology, it comes with loads of issues!The main issue we were facing was that the game would consistently crash on load. As you can imagine, thats a pretty big problem, but it took us quite a long time to narrow down what was causing the issue and luckily we've found it now and it's been sorted.This has stopped us from uploading new updates to fix some of the issues you guys have been experiencing such as the Steam Voice Chat issue where UE4 was blocked the Steam Voice Chat and limiting you to only the in-game chat which ended up not working... This has since been fixed.There has been some massive improvements to the navigation system in UE 4.8 that allows us to build the navigation dynamically with a minimal hit on performance. In the current version, the demons would get stuck at certain parts of the level that change dynamically... This is no longer the case.We have also made improvements to the AI system which drastically improved performance and we've also made some changes to the aiming system which we hope make for a more intuitive experience, but we'll need your feedback on that when we hopefully publish an update this weekend!!Thanks for reading and your patience! We'll keep you updated on the release date of the next update.. v0.3 Released & 50% off!: Finally, v0.3 is here! ...And to celebrate its arrival Congo is now 50% off for a week starting now! There's a ton of new stuff in this update, check it out and let us know what you think!Here's a little breakdown of the new stuff!New Objective LevelA brand new Objective level - Swamp Basin is available to play right now. Find and break open the fuel store and power up the backup generator.New Defence LevelsFour new defence levels set in the Swamp Basin. Protect the objective and survive for as long as possible.New WeaponsM16 - A powerful and accurate rifle that fires in a 3-shot burst but carries a smaller magazine capacity compared to the AK47. It also has a flashlight strapped to the barrel.SPAS-12 - A semi-automatic shotgun that works well at breaking up large swarms of demons. Armed with flashlight it's the perfect anti-swarm weapon.New AchievementsSix new achievements. Two objective based achievements and Demon achievements!GPS Update now points to PlayersThe GPS now shows the location of your team mates. So now those honourable medics among you can track down a fallen comrade!Rare SpeciesThere are whispers of a few rare species of demon in the jungle. Collectors in markets will pay highly for their skins. Track down and kill an Albino and Brown-Spotted variant of the Demon!Dynamic NavigationThe demon's navigation now updates at run-time which fixes a few issues where the demons wouldn't be able to cross certain areas of the map.Brightness SettingAdded a new brightness system for those with dark screens. This option is accessible through the Options menu on the start screen.Demon SoundsImproved and added additional demon sounds for the scamp.Fixed Crate IssuesFixed weapon / ammo spawning issues that sometimes happened with crates.Re-assigned Toggle Names key on GamepadYou can now toggle Player names by pressing the Up button on the D-Pad. This used to conflict with Switch Weapon on Controllers.Improved Machete CollisionThe machete now works better when taking down Demons.Fixed "Panic" CrashFixed a bug that would cause the game to crash occasionally when being attacked.We hope you enjoy playing with all the new features whether a new player or one of the veterans :) We'd love to hear from you all!. v1.0b Update!: Hi all you jungle explorers!We have just released our brand new update - v1.0b which is available now. We have made drastic changes to the balancing in Defence mode. Demons now spawn at a more controlled and reliable pace, item drops and weapon crates are much more common.We have also fixed a number of bugs regarding monster spawning in defence mode and objective mode.We are also on sale this week for 66% discount. Enjoy yourselves! :). Update v0.1d Released: Update v0.1d has been released today! Just a short update with a few things we wanted to get in and sorted before the more significant update to v0.2.v0.1d Changelog: Machete is now always available rather than being replaced. Added in-game button to Invite friends. Improved cancel button when joining matches Added screen resolutions Fixed objective icon placement Fixed progress bar icon placement Fixed an issue where gun sounds and animations were sometimes not being played on Client. Network Optimizations & bug fixesHopefully the last update until v0.2 which features a number of updates and new features! For the full list, please check our old post - Plans for v0.2


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